Over the weekend we visited with Matt's dad's side of the family in Spring Hill, TN. Matt's Aunt Robin was in from Florida and this was the FIRST time she has ever met Preston! So this was a special evening! We had so much fun spending quality time with family! We grilled out with yummy hotdogs and hamburgers & Preston was also entertained by Matt's younger cousins, the twins-Kameron and Karissa. What a GREAT night! Oh and we also got to see Auntie Em and hear all about her engagement story!! What FUN......her wedding date has been set! MAY 19, 2012--Can't wait!
Here is a picture of Preston with Aunt Robin

Also, more EXCITING news!!! Yesterday, May 16, 2011--
Preston gave me kisses!!!!! Matt and I kissed eachother while Matt was holding Preston and then Preston opened his mouth and leaned forward and gave me kissees!!!! YAY!!! I was in HEAVEN! This was one HAPPY MOMMA! He melted my heart and then he did it several times after! (And only to me..... not daddy) But he only does it from example, so Matt would give me a pek and then Preston gave me one!
I can't wait to try to get it on video tonight! Momma loves you, Preston Reid!!!!!!!!!!!