Here is Preston before we left the house...we had to get a good picture of his new shirt that DeDe got him! (Which was made by Tadpoles and Tiaras~Lindsay Dickerson)

We took Preston to see Santa for the FIRST time and he did GREAT! Not a big surprise to us...he really is just so easy going and will let anyone hold him!
Of course.....when picking where to take him to see Santa I had something totally different in mind than Matt, but we went with Matt's choice! lol We went to Bass Pro Shop!! Matt had been dying to go since they had reopened it after the flood and his thinking was that we could look for some camo stuff for Preston while we are there, too! Come on Kristen, you love to shop! So needless to say we went, but we DID NOT get any camo outfits! :) But we did really enjoy spending this precious memory with Preston!