Thursday, April 28, 2011

You read the title correct!! Preston said MAMA!!! His FIRST "actual" word!!! (we think he says something that sounds like "hi" sometimes, but not really....)

Preston said MAMA on April 20th while he was "helping" mommy cook dinner in the kitchen! (he was playing with the bowls and things that he was pulling out of the cabinets) It was SO CUTE! He was finally doing the sounds that they are "supposed" to make in a row like, bababa...
(Which we had just got back from our NICU follow-up visit on April 19th and I was saying no, he doesn't really do that yet???) Well, he DID the NEXT day!!! ANd it was mamamamama...then put together, and said MAMA!!! He just made my week!!!! What a great surprise and such a BIG month for our little man! AND.......not only did he have his 1 year birthday this month and say MAMA, but I failed to forget another BIG thing.....Preston started crawling on his hands and knees for the first time 2 days before his birthday!!!! And he has been doing it ever since!!!!
What a growing boy we have!

Also, I have added pictures from the first time that Preston has been in a "pool."
(We went to the beach last year with my family, but it was when Preston had just been released from the hospital and he was still so little and I was just so scared to put him in anything that other poeple had been in and he never experienced any of it last year)

He got lots of fun new swimsuits and a blowup pool for his birthday and it was just warm enough to try it out! So we did! Preston has always loved baths, so I just knew that he would love the pool too!!

On April 19, 2011

Playing with the fun new water toys that Uncle Jason got him!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Milk and Cookies Anyone.......

Get ready for picture overload......

Preston's FIRST Birthday Party!!!!!!

We had Preston's first birthday party at our house on Saturday, April 16th; it was a "cookies and milk" themed party.....

Here are just a FEW pictures that sumed up a little of our day! We had such a blast and it is still hard to believe that we now have a 1 year old. Wow, how time just flies by!!!!!

The favors were "milk and cookies for the road" (They are not actual milk cartons with milk in them...they are just supposed to look like it; they had little mini cookies in them and mints that were molded to look like milk jugs)

Drink stations...

Preston from birth through 12 months.....

Smash cake!!!!


So messy.... had to take a bath!!

Preston is 1!!!!

Daddy and Preston checking out some decorations

Uncle Jason and Jude playing with Preston....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birthday Party at School!

Preston on the morning of his birthday! :)


FIRST birthday party at school/daycare......4/15/11

I went to Preston's first birthday party at his daycare on Friday and the teachers made him a little hat and there was a card from all of his teachers and his "classmates" cute! And a little sign on his classroom door! They had little mini cupcakes that I brought in for them to eat :) They were funfetti with buttercream icing! I think he enjoyed it....
he had THREE!!!

Enjoying cupcakes with his "friends" Lindley and Emmaline
"Want some Mom...." :)
With his "friend" Lindley


Friday, April 15, 2011

12 months.... was exactly 1 year ago today that our lives forever changed and we brought this little boy into the world!

Wow much has changed over these past 12 months!

Here are just a few snapshots from our "mini" session this morning before school! I will have a later post with more "1 year pics" and his party pics!!! We aren't having his party until tomorrow!

Preston Reid Fite @ 12 months


Now....headed to his "school" party!! Yum-O....cupcakes!!! Post to follow also.....

Have a BLESSED weekend!! I know we will!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easter pictures...with a LIVE bunny!

Preston and Jude were such good sports...... The photographers, Wolfe Photography, were able to catch cousin Jude giving sweet kisses to Preston!

This past weekend we were able to go get some Easter pictures for Preston and Jude!I think that they turned out great!

And Preston LOVED the bunny!

And this just happens to be the weekend right before Preston turns 1 year it kind of works out to be 1 year pictures for him, too!

Preston was such a ham during pictures! I think he was having a great time!!

I think this is a great picture of Jude! His eyes are to "die" for!

Gotta love me some Preston!!!

I'm so proud of how well my little boy did!

We LOVE you!

Now onto the crying.......he is going to be 1 year old on Friday, April 15th!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I wear my sunglasses at night.....


This was just TOO CUTE that I just HAD to post and share it with everyone!

We went to eat dinner at Cracker Barrel last night and we put Daddy's sunglasses on Preston and Matt captured this awesome picture with his phone!

Preston is just SO full of himself!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hippity Hoppity Easter's on its way....

We pulled out the Easter shirt today!! I figure it is April now so we might as well get some good use out of it! :) So I snapped a few shots of Preston when I dropped him off at daycare today....he is all ready for Spring in his pastels and Easter onesie! :) I can't wait for the Easter bunny's trip to visit Preston for the first time! I think I may be more exited than he is....... ;) And of course they never quite sit long enough to get the pictures that you want........... you will see the progession as you go! LOVE HIM!
"Some Bunny Loves Me"

With one of his teachers in Infant 11- Ms. Rosalyn

Monday, April 4, 2011

Looking Back.....

With Preston's 1st Birthday fast has me looking back at how we started this journey ! Wow.....what we have made it through~ It is REALLY a miracle that God has gotten us this far and we are so thankful every day that this little angel, Preston Reid Fite, became a part of our lives! Where would we be without him....I could never imagine our lives without him in it! He has made our marriage that much stronger and we know there is a reason for everything! God always has a may have to face a lot of hurt and pain to get there, but he will get you there! I love you SO MUCH, Preston Reid Fite, and I look forward to MANY, MANY years to come spent with you! (and of course with your awesome daddy, too!)
Preston Reid Fite--born April 15, 2010 via emergency c-section, at 9:49 p.m.

5 pounds, 12 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long (5 weeks early)

1 day old

1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old

8 months old

9 months old

10 months old

11 months old......

Some fun facts about Preston..... at 11 months old:

-Still does some "army" crawling; not much on crawling with knees

-Has really figured out the whole walker....and is really walking really well with the walker; no walking yet, though

-Words: no words yet, but we do "think" that he is starting to make a "sound/word" that sounds kind of like "Hi" and sticks his hand up in the air-as if waving or reaching for you

-Not quite "waving" yet, but he does do an arm out and make a little movement that WE consider a "wave" I guess you could say he "waves" to an extent

-LOVES sleeping on his belly with his little booty in the air and knees tucked under him

-takes 2 naps a day- @ 10am for about an hour; @ 12:30pm for about 2-3 hours

-goes to bed around 7-8pm and sleeps ALL night until about 7am

-Absolutely LOVES balls! He has started to "roll" the ball back and fourth to you! SO FUN!

-LOVES cars.....he can roll the car back and fourth on the floor!! He is ALL boy!

-LOVES to be outside, no matter what the weather...and loves to go on stroller rides

-Can drink from his sippy more bottles!

-Can eat some "big boy" food- he loves Gold Fish crackers, Vanilla Wafers, Cheesy Ranch Hamburger Helper, rolls, Cheerios, peas, ......and still working on others! He enjoys the baby food veggies & fruits better than the "real" stuff.....

-Has learned how to climb the stairs.... 4-1-11; we are in trouble!

-Can pull to a standing.....and does it ALL the time now

-LOVES to be tickeled!!! AND laughs so LOUD! :) This is one of the highlights of EVERY day!

There are just so many things to list!! We have a growing boy!! So much happening this month:

April 9th-Preston and Jude are getting pictures made with a "live" bunny this weekend! YAY! What fun Easter pictures these will be!!

April 15th-Preston's Brithday!!! And his daycare Bday party! :)

April 16th- Birthday Party

What fun it has been planning it......but many tears are shedding because I don't want my lil' baby to become a "big boy".......but he will always be a momma's boy! (we are just having a small gathering of family and just a few close friends)

April 24th ~Preston's FIRST Easter!!!